10 Classic Songs That Have Aged Terribly

7. Virtuality - Rush

A lot of rock's stalwarts were hit with a sea change in the music landscape once the '90s rolled around. As the age of flannel shirts and mountains of irony seeped into the public consciousness, the legends of rock's glory days had to undergo some real changes in their sound to look like they fit in with the times. U2 may have managed it okay, so did R.E.M....Rush not as much.

Being relatively dormant throughout most of the late '90s, the Canadian power trio's album Test For Echo does have a pretty audible clunker on it with Virtuality. Compared to the rest of the late Rush catalog, this song is actually fairly competent if it weren't for some of the worst lyrics Neil Peart would ever write. Considering it was the dawn of the Internet age, this song makes use of every tech reference Peart can muster, which almost looks cute these days.

While it might not be fair to judge Neil on what the Internet would become just a few years down the road, the references to "net boy, net girl" is hilarious, along with "put your message in a modem and throw it in the cyber sea." There's a good song in here about the dangerous of virtual existence, but this just comes off like your dad not really understanding how technology works.

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David Bowie
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