10 Classic Songs That Have Aged Terribly

5. China Girl - David Bowie

Expecting David Bowie to stay on one course of music for the rest of his life really is foolish on the listeners' part. Ever since starting the glam rock movement back in the '70s, Bowie was comfortable to take leaps and bounds with songs he made up until his final album with Blackstar. Bowie may have been unafraid to take risks with his music...but that doesn't mean all of them are necessarily great.

When looking back on Bowie's discography, people tend to look on Let's Dance with a bit of disdain, thinking that the Thin White Duke has sold out to fit with the times. As much as the pop sound of the title track or Modern Love are classics for what they are, they might be onto something with China Girl, which is a bit too weird to really take seriously. Written with punk aficionado Iggy Pop, this entire song is where the '80s production fails Bowie a little bit, sounding more like a product of its time rather than a genuine artistic endeavor.

It also doesn't help matters that the idea of using the term China Girl is the kind of slang that didn't really deserve to survive past the early '80s. For all that Bowie has given us throughout his long and storied career, this probably should have just remained an Iggy song at the end of the day.

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David Bowie
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