10 Famous Rock Music Videos Made On A Small Budget

8. Down On The Farm - Seasick Steve

Steven Wold, known professionally as Seasick Steve, has one hell of a backstory.

After spending most of his life as a manual labourer, occasionally enduring periods of homelessness, Steve found fame in his mid-50s after an appearance on UK TV show Jools Holland's Hootenanny .

He quickly became something of a sensation in the country, as British music fans fell in love with Steve's earnest demeanour, classic blues music, and collection of quirky, handmade guitars. Also, the cool beard probably helped.

Steve would go on to release several studio albums following his breakthrough, including 2013's Hubcap Music, which contained the song Down on the Farm. For the music video, Steve followed the song's instructions, and pitched up at a farm with his guitar in hand.

The video is one single shot of the artist dancing to the song. No bells, no whistles, just an old man having a boogie.

Rumour has it that the singer was given a budget for the video, but spent it all on a new tractor instead, leading to this barebones effort. Whatever the reason, this video still rules, and so does Seasick Steve.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.