10 Fascinating Backstories Behind Famous Rock Band's Names

7. Watch Out, Radioactive Man! - Fall Out Boy

To sit here and list all of the cultural influences that The Simpsons has had on society would take about a hundred years, by which point the show might finally have been cancelled.

Probably not.

The one that affects this list is the part they played in naming another staple of the emo landscape, who borrowed their title from a minor side character.

Fall Out Boy serves as the sidekick of Bart's favourite comic book hero, Radioactive Man. In fact, the eldest Simpson kid auditioned to play the character in the show's seventh season, although he lost out to Milhouse.

The band let a bunch of friends vote on their name, drawing from a list that included the three-word label. After initially settling on something long and complicated, one of their chums yelled out at one of their shows "Flip that, no, you're Fall Out Boy!"

Only they didn't say "flip"...

Members Patrick Stump and Joe Trohman were big Simpsons fans anyway, so decided to roll with it, and they've been rolling with it ever since.

Other names they could have chosen were Blue Haired Lawyer, The Rich Texans, or Gerald the Monobrowed Baby.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.