10 Forgotten 90s Rock Bands Worth Rediscovering

5. Helmet

It's not the first time NYC alt-rockers Helmet have featured in a What Culture list, and for good reason. Formed in 1989 (and still going), Helmet have undergone numerous line-up changes, with founding member, lead guitarist and vocalist Page Hamilton the only constant. It was during the 90s, though, that Helmet made their mark.

The released their first album, Strap It On, in the opening year of that decade, and would issue three more before the end of the century. It's indisputable that Helmet, despite their relative lack of fame, have had a huge influence on generations of heavy metal acts. The group have the distinction of having been covered by the great Faith No More.

Wild, raucous and loud, Helmet songs always have more going on in them that it might at first seem. Is it heavy metal? Yes. It's also, however, punk, post-punk, experimental, post-rock and pretty much anything else you can throw at it. Listen to Bad Mood from the band's first album and you can hear why Helmet caught the ear of Mike Patton.

The band were always more adventurous than they were often given credit for, and talented enough to tackle a diverse approach to their material.

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Chris Wheatley is a journalist and writer from Oxford, UK. He has too many records, too many guitars and not enough cats.