10 Great Rock Albums With Terrible Titles

6. Take Off Your Pants And Jacket - Blink-182

Ah, pop punk, it was only a matter of time before you cropped up again.

If there is one group of manchildren that epitomise the pop punk philosophy more than anyone else, then it has to be Messrs. DeLonge, Hoppus, and Barker, aka the classic line-up of Blink-182.

Barker had joined the band for their previous effort, Enema of the State (which could have also featured on this list), and that had made legends of the three perpetual teenagers. So, when time came to produce a sequel, they needed something good, and something good is exactly what they had.

Take Off Your Pants and Jacket (which, yes, is a play on a term for self-pleasuring) contained top tunes like The Rock Show, Anthem Part Two, and Stay Together for the Kids. It continued Blink's reputation as guardians of the modern punk spirit and was infused with their trademark detached sense of humour.

You could make the argument that Take Off Your Pants and Jacket isn't bad because it fits with the band's image, but in any other context, it would be dismissed as juvenile nonsense.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.