10 Great Rock Albums With Terrible Titles

4. Sailing The Seas Of Cheese - Primus

It should come as no great shock to anyone who has followed Primus that they would give one of their albums such a weird name, considering the titles of some of their songs from over the years.

John the Fisherman, Shake Hands with Beef, Wynona's Big Brown Beaver. The list goes on.

It's not even like the band waited until they were famous to start pulling these stunts, as their major label debut (second album overall) was given the ludicrous name of Sailing the Seas of Cheese.

Those with lactose intolerance, look away now!

Complete with an album cover showcasing a great galleon afloat on a yellow ocean, Sailing the Seas of Cheese was always going to be a success, because it contains one of Primus' best-loved tracks - Jerry Was a Race Car Driver.

This tune, with its insane bassline, captured the hearts of alternative metal fans the world over and ensured that Les Claypool and chums will go down in history as true cult heroes.

No other band could have gotten away with such a mad title, but honestly, when it comes to Primus, this is fairly standard.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.