10 Great Rock Albums With Terrible Titles

3. Locust Abortion Technician - Butthole Surfers

When a group of people that would willingly name themselves "Butthole Surfers" are involved, it should come as no surprise that terrible titles are abundant.

Pretty much all of this band's albums have had a stupid name in one form or another, some of which would probably get this taken article taken down, but the one that this entry is devoted is their third album.

Locust Abortion Technician, which is hard enough to write down, let alone say out loud, came out in 1987 and was recorded in a home studio, as the group had grown tired of life on the road.

The name is, well, its hideous. It doesn't mean anything, it's edgy for the sake of edgy, and it's also unnecessarily clunky. It's just a really bad name, but that didn't stop people from enjoy the contents of the album.

Butthole Surfers were praised for tackling conventions head on, challenging the very nature of good taste in a move that many listeners found incredibly refreshing.

They're not for everyone, but if you like your music intentionally obtuse, then you may have just found your new favourite act.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.