10 Great Rock Albums With Terrible Titles

2. Extreme II: Pornograffiti - Extreme

The song More Than Words is a beautiful acoustic ballads about how true love is about the things one does, not says.

It gave the band Extreme their first and only number one hit in their homeland of America and showed the world that rock music wasn't just about getting drunk and partying with sexy ladies.

So, of course, this song comes from an album subtitled Pornograffiti.

More Than Words is very much an outlier in Extreme's discography. On this very same album, which carried the main title of Extreme II, there are songs called He-Man Woman Hater, Lil' Jack Horny, and Get the Funk Out, which is much more in line their usual brand of playboy hair metal.

Pornograffiti, the origins of which do not need explaining, is such a poor attempt to be funny. It's not big, it's not clever, and it's utterly cringeworthy every time you remember that actual human beings came up with it.

Still, More Than Words was the seventh-best selling single in all of the US in 1991, so Extreme probably didn't care that nobody liked the name of their album.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.