10 Greatest AC/DC Songs Of The Brian Johnson Era

8. Rock N' Roll Ain't Noise Pollution

AC DC Rock and Roll

Prepare yourself, this is the first of 5 songs from Back In Black. I was initially afraid that this list was going to be completely dominated by the Back in Black album, so half isn't as bad as I expected.

From the intro to this song you think that it maybe a little slower than the usual AC/DC song, but then the first 8 bars pass and the drums begin to kick in and you realize your in for a pounding rock n' roll anthem. And you wouldn't be wrong about that.

I personally feel that, lyrically, Back in Black in the best Brain Johnson album, and this is a prime example:
"I asked you if you wanted any rhythm and love, You said you wanna rock 'n' roll instead"
That, as a musician myself, is a great lyric. It's smart, suggests smuttyness without actually being crude, and it's what AC/DC are all about. If you're looking for a great lyrical album, Back in Black is as close as your going to get with AC/DC, it really is some great stuff though!

Graphic designer, guitarist, rock n roll aficionado, wrestling enthusiast, football fan, pretend NFL understander, TV watcher and cinema goer.