10 Greatest Garage Rock Music Albums Of The 2010s

6. Freedom’s Goblin - Ty Segall

Not a relative of Steven nor a aquatic bird with a fondness for stealing chips, Ty Segall is a garage rock artist who gives the word "proficient" a whole new meaning.

Since his first release in 2008, Segall has put out an album every single year bar two. Don't worry, he released two different albums in 2012 to make up for it.

With plenty of material to choose from, narrowing down one of Segall's 2010s records was a difficult task to say the least. In the end, the record that won out was 2018's Freedom's Goblin.

Mainly because it has a funny name.

All jokes aside, Freedom's Goblin is a complete Wild West. Segall has stated that the whole idea of the project was not to limit himself to any themes or conventions, leading to an utterly bonkers collection of completely unrelated tracks.

There is so much heart and authenticity to this album that it's impossible to resist its charms.

It is artistic expression in its purest form and, in a world where music is becoming ever more commericalised, that has to be celebrated as a huge accomplishment.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.