10 Greatest Garage Rock Music Albums Of The 2010s

5. Celebration Rock - Japandroids

Live performances are so integral to the garage rock experience. After all, its a genre that's about being an authentic as possible.

You can't get much more authentic than playing a three hour set to a roomful of sweaty music fans.

Canadian duo Japandroids recognised this with their 2012 album Celebration Rock, which was recorded to deliberately sound like a live concert experience.

The songs were written to pander to an audience, as the band anticipated what crowd reactions would be like when they eventually took the record on tour.

You only have to listen to the chant-along section of lead single The House That Heaven Built to realise that they were successful in that mission.

Celebration Rock received massive acclaim when it came out, with radio station CBC Music naming it among the 100 Best Canadian Albums Ever.

Presumably because there was only so much Rush and Justin Bieber they could fit on there.

Japandroids absolutely nailed the assignment with this album, bringing the hard-hitting, pulse-raising aura of a live show to the recorded format.

In a way, it doesn't really get much more garage rock than that.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.