10 Greatest Garage Rock Music Albums Of The 2010s

3. Floating Coffin - Three Oh Sees

The band once known as Three Oh Sees certainly haven't made it easy for people to track them down.

They started life under the name Orinoka Crash Suite in 1997, before changing their moniker no fewer than half a dozen times. They currently just go by Osees, but they released this album under the banner of Three Oh Sees.

So let's just go with that.

Floating Coffin came out in 2013 and was the group's eighth studio album. This was easily their darkest release to date, as heavily distorted bass guitars and echoey vocals helped the band push their music further than they'd ever done before.

Basically, don't tune into this if you're expecting a happy time.

This gamble paid off big time, as people went absolutely crazy for this record. It was praised for its willingness to push boundaries and remaining sonically cohesive without ever becoming boring.

There are so many great Three Oh Sees (insert other names here) albums to choose from, but if you want one that stands out for being bold and a little bit creepy, then Floating Coffin is your best bet.

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Garage Rock
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.