10 Greatest Garage Rock Music Albums Of The 2010s

2. Teens Of Denial - Car Seat Headrest

Who thought it would be a good idea to name a band Car Seat Headrest?

Now every time somebody tries to search for them online, they'll just find a load of links to auto parts websites.

At least their music is good. And there's a lot of it.

The band released their first album in 2010. They also released their second album in 2010. And their third. And their fourth. And their fifth and sixth.


This meant that, by the time 2016 came by, the group were on their tenth studio release. Teens of Denial hit shelves in May and it was easily the band's best effort to date.

Across its hour plus length, Teens of Denial weaves one long narrative about a person pulling themselves out of a rough period of their life. This marked the feelings of songwriter Will Toledo, who was going through his own rough patch.

This approach showcased the band's maturity as an act, as they were able to maintain a singular focus across such a lengthy runtime. It was Car Seat Headrest's coming out party as one of the big boys and they've never looked back.

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Garage Rock
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.