10 Greatest Rock Music Album Covers Of The 1980s

3. A Kind Of Magic - Queen

Queen had some absolutely brilliant album covers in the 80s.

Hot Space and its pop art-inspired façade was considered for this list, but a lot of people hate that album and this is a safe space.

Instead, let's talk about an album that most people like.

A Kind of Magic was released in 1986 and carried over a lot of songs from the movie Highlander, for which Queen provided the soundtrack. In fact, the album's name comes from one of the lines in the film.

The video for the title song features the band performing alongside several animated characters, brought to life by the Walt Disney Company no less.

Their unique art style found its way onto A Kind of Magic's cover, which presented the four members of the band floating somewhere in space.

Although its crude, this cover has so much charm to it. Every detail from the hodgepodge lettering to the grin on animated Freddie Mercury's face is perfect and lets prospective listeners know they're in for a fun time.

Although, not sure how happy Roger Taylor was at being entirely blocked by Freddie.

He's a drummer, he's probably used to it.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.