10 Heaviest Metallica Songs Ever Made

6. Dyers Eve

For most Metallica fans, And Justice For All represents the pinnacle of their heaviness in the '80s. Though Master of Puppets may have shown them at the peak of their powers with Cliff Burton, this was the true final hoorah before going into more accessible territory with Bob Rock. If they knew they were going out though, they left with a hell of a bang on Dyers Eve.

Being one of the shorter songs on the record, this feels like they put all of the intensity of their '80s period into 5 glorious minutes, with all the dials turned up to 11. While the bass is still virtually inaudible in the mix, the actual riffs on this song are some of the fiercest they have ever made, almost taking on more of a hardcore punk sound than a speed metal one.

Hell, even when they slow the hell down for the verses, James Hetfield's long drawn out chords completely fill the soundstage, all while Lars punishes his double bass drums underneath it all. Ironically enough, this is one of the few instances where the slower parts of the song do more for your adrenaline than the actual speedy sections. As much as Metallica would change from this song going forward, this was one hell of a sendoff for the glory days.

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