10 Highly Anticipated Heavy Metal Releases We Can't Wait To Hear In 2014

7. Mastodon - Title Unknown, 2014

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gInJozzMd_g NWOAM (New Wave Of American Metal - ed.) band Mastodon's fans are eagerly anticipating a new release in 2014. Recording of the as yet untitled release is well underway under the guiding hand of producer Nick Raskulinecz (Foo Fighters, Rush, Alice in Chains). Drummer Brann Dailoer is quoted by Rolling Stone as having said, "It's gonna be massive and insane, lots of epic greatness. There will be lots of huge riffs and new directions. It's real weird, real math-y, real straightforward. It's up, down and all around. It's a culmination of everything for the band. The snowball keeps rolling and collecting snow." The band has been pressed for a release date in several outlets yet kept their cards close to the vest, saying only that it will be in 2014 without fail.

Ross Ingall is a 52 year old ordained Canadian baptist minister who has been listening to hard rock and metal quite literally since each was invented. A second career pastor who attended seminary in his 40's, the Rev hosts Too Metal For Church on Metal Nation Radio. Writing both under his own name as well as the psuedonym/nickname Reverend Rock, Ross has been writing music articles on the web since 1999.