10 Highly Underrated Rock Music Album Covers

4. Rift - Phish

Phish are not for everyone, especially fans of spelling words correctly. However, if you're into genre-bending, experimentational jam rock, you may have just found your new favourite band.

By the time the band's fourth album Rift came out in 1993, the group were starting to gain momentum as a popular act. In order to capitalise on this rise, they went all out in creating a truly special piece of cover art.

They worked closely with David Walker, who's also been involved with artwork for the likes of Pearl Jam, Primus, and The Black Keys. Phish wanted every single track on the album to have a presence in the cover art; a challenge Walker was more than up to.

This deep blue image of a man sprawled out in a bed in the middle of a circular room is utterly captivating. Plus, it also acts as a treasure hunt, as you can work out which bits of it relate to which songs on the record.

The only song that isn't represented on Rift's cover is The Horse. So, for their next album Hoist, Phish made sure that a horse was front and centre on its artwork.



Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.