10 Highly Underrated Rock Music Drummers

1. Ringo Starr - The Beatles

Alright, alright, get your Ringo slander out of the way now, because this entry is going to praise the hell out of him.

As the old joke goes, "Ringo wasn't even the best drummer in The Beatles". Whilst it's true that Paul McCartney was more than capable with a pair of sticks, there's no way he could have done what Ringo did.

In amongst all the egos and the frayed friendships of The Beatles, Ringo remained constant. Sure, he was about as exciting as a tin of baked beans, but he was reliable, which is one of the most important things a drummer can be.

Furthermore, when he was on, there was nobody like him.

Through playing a right-handed drumkit left-handed, Ringo created some of the most unique beats in rock history. Come Together is the obvious example, but there's also Ticket to Ride, Rain, and A Day in the Life.

It's easy to poke fun at Ringo, and the man certainly doesn't help himself, but the honest truth is that he is one of the most important drummers of all time.

No amount of silly songs about octopuses is ever going to change that.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.