10 Hilarious Joke Songs By Rock Artists

8. Big Bad Bill - Van Halen

Part of the appeal of every single Van Halen record is the party atmosphere it brings across. From the minute that you hit play on any of the Roth era releases, you know that you're in for something raucous that's not going to end until the record runs out. When they were firing on all cylinders, these guys could make a party pretty much anywhere...even if it were the 1920's.

Since the entire record Diver Down wasn't supposed to be made in the first place, Van Halen took the time to make some wild left turns, which turned into covering the swing classic Big Bad Bill. Though the entire song was intended to be a novelty when it was released, hearing the story of a tough guy getting straightened out by his fiancee just sounds so much funnier coming out of David Lee Roth's mouth. Considering just a few albums ago he was singing songs like Atomic Punk and Light Up the Sky, something has definitely changed here.

That doesn't mean that everything has to be giggles from start to finish here. Since they were throwing things back for this one, Eddie and Alex's father actually guested on the record as well, jamming with his sons on the clarinet during the instrumental break. Hell, if you're looking through the rest of the hair metal scene that came up in the wake of Van Halen, this kind of thing is almost heartwarming.


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