10 Incredible 2000s Bands That Are Still Killing It

7. Paramore

Zacky Vengeance and Synyster Gates of Avenged Sevenfold performs on stage on Day 2 of Sonisphere Festival at Knebworth.

Paramore may be on hiatus while Hayley Williams works on her solo project, Petals For Armor, but the emo-turned-pop legends deserve to be here for their contribution to pop-rock music. 2017s After Laughter is Paramore’s magnum opus in a back catalogue that features more bangers than your local butchers and four other albums that could go toe-to-toe with any of their contemporaries. What made After Laughter so special was it’s heart on sleeve nature that saw Hayley Williams rip herself open and lay everything bare on record. It’s the kind of album that breaks your heart while making you dance to catchy 80s beats. It’s what music is all about.

Paramore began when the members were in their early teens, and as a result they’ve struggled to maintain a normalcy in their adult lives knowing that they had little childhood. Lineups have changed and there’s been plenty of heartbreak but with Hayley Williams in the centre of it all, you know you’ll never be let down. When Paramore come back, you bet they’ll be as good as ever.


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