10 Late Career Bangers From Huge Rock Bands
5. Korn (ft. Skrillex) - Get Up! (2011)
Controversial choice alert!
Some people, largely because they don’t understand what made Korn so cool in the first place, don’t like Korn’s dubstep phase. While it would be churlish to suggest that these people are wrong, it is important to remember that a band’s “sound” is the result of a group of individual musicians coming together and using their unique skills and styles to create a tasty aural broth that is, in and of itself, unique, which gives this group an identity. It is not, as some gatekeeper-y types would like you to think, a prison that an artist must stay trapped in for the rest of their lives while they churn out variations on the same song again and again and again.
Korn have always done things a bit differently, combining heavy metal, punk, grunge and hip hop on their first four records, bringing in pop songwriters and industrial metal titans on their underrated mid-late 2000s’ records, or like with The Path Of Totality, bringing Jonathan Davis’ dubstep DJing side-gig into work for a fandom-dividing, genre-defying, career-re-kickstarting masterpiece, that, if nothing else, got the metal world talking about Korn again.
Get Up! Was the first single from the record and, in many ways is the quintessential Korn single. It sounds exactly like Korn, while sounding nothing like Korn. Incidentally, the band’s previous record Korn III: Remember Who You are, was designed to sound exactly like their eponymous debut, and is often regarded as their most redundant record. Go figure.