10 Laughable Post-Grunge Bands You Won't Believe Are Still Going

8. Seether

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPC2Fp7IT7o Truly the definition of the "post-grunge" sound, Seether manages to awkwardly shoehorn Kurt Cobain-esque vocals atop generic down-tuned riffs, attempting to appeal to both while simultaneously satisfying neither. Humourless and lacking any sort of self-awareness, Seether seems like the kind of band to aspire to greatness while happily rolling around in mediocrity. While their major label debut Disclaimer would be released in 2002, their crossover into the mainstream would not be until the release of the Seether/Amy Lee mash-up "Broken", likely a prediction of their crumbling relationship. Though Shaun Morgan, also known as the Jack White of awful modern rock, would continue the trend of modest radio success by going full Nickelback on hits like "Fake It" & "Country Song". And yes, Seether is still going strong, getting ready to release their new album some time later this year. If songs like "Safe to Say I've Had Enough" from Seether: 2002 - 2013 are any indication, their can look forward to plenty more of the same generic Quiet-Loud-Quiet dynamics they've been milking for years. But the highest compliment we can pay to Seether is how forgettable they are, never truly reaching the heights of wretchedness of some of the other artists on this list.
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Aaron J. Marko is a literary magnate living in Canada. He is currently working on The Great American Novel about teenage orange salesmen in California. Do not add me to Google+. You will regret it. Available for birthday parties and bar mitzvahs.