10 Massive Music Acts Of 2013 Who Just Won't Last

2. Idina Menzel And The Frozen Crew

Frozen, Disney's latest animated adventure, has proven to be one of the highest grossing animated films of all time. A major part of its success, was the highly musical aspect to it. The film's soundtrack was released along with the film and has since been pelted through the charts to being one of the top albums right now. Its most popular song, "Let It Go" by Idina Menzel has also featured quite high up in the singles charts. However, these songs are hardly up to the standard of the "Circle of Life" from The Lion King or "Hakuna Matata". Regardless of their musical brilliance, they simply aren't as catchy as what's gone before. Admittedly, the younger generations that have watched it may in future remember them, however for the majority of Planet Earth who currently aren't young children, these songs will quickly be forgotten along with the film. It just doesn't deliver as much impact or meaning as previous Disney songs that both children and adults can relate to and understand. Another major aspect is how annoying many people find Idina's voice; critics have thwarted it, branding it as purely a 'theatrical musical voice' rather than a general singing voice. In any case, it's a great success with a very short memory.
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Video game addict and beer-loving lunatic. He has a passion for games that actually mean something. UK Football follower and admirer of anything that is graphically pleasing. Also, tea. Follow Me on Twitter! - https://twitter.com/oliverfrenchie