10 Massively Underrated Albums From The 2000s

7. Lamb Of God - Ashes Of The Wake (2004)

Ashes of the Wake is notoriously disliked by old school Lamb of God fans despite it being the closest thing the band have to their very own Master of Puppets. The album was released only a year after their first genre classic As The Palaces Burn and features their biggest single Laid To Rest but fans felt like the record saw the band enter autopilot and lose the ferocity of previous releases.

Looking back on Ashes of the Wake now, it’s extremely underrated as it sees the band write some of their best headbanging fun riffs, catchiest choruses and reset the benchmark of what their biggest songs could achieve. It’s one of their biggest albums for the sheer reason that it challenges itself to go big and break through the glass ceiling that stifles most metal bands. It’s no surprise that the record has been challenged and disliked by the band’s hardcore fans as it presented an opportunity for the band to reach new heights and Lamb of God managed to do it all without seeming to simply be searching for popularity.

This is not just a great metal album, but a record that absolutely shouldn’t be dismissed.

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