10 Metal Bands You Need To Hear Now

6. Cultes Des Ghoules

cultes des ghoules Current Release: Henbane Label: Hells Headbangers Folks- this is some scary, truly disturbing stuff. A Polish band named after a book from Lovecraftian mythos, and a sophomore album named after a poisonous hallucinogenic plant could not be more fitting. Though Polish, Cultes Des Ghoules have a sound a tone rooted in the revered French black metal scene as well as the likes of Root, Master's Hammer and The Ruin of Beverasts. Creepy, occult, throbbing black doom metal with a darkly erotic, ritualistic throes that imbues orgiastic, evil rites and profane Sabbaths, Cultes Des Ghoules is nightmare inducing music not for the weak willed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMW5qxpbqWc&noredirect=1 Capable of delivering intoxicating atmospheres akin to the album's namesake, Henbane is a dark, undulating album that slithers and writhes into your subconscious with discordant, murky riffs and a plethora of chants, screams, whispers and groan that are more incantations than vocals. Fair warning, the likes of "Vintage Black Magic" and "The Devil Intimate" is the sound track to Aleister Crowley's most sordid dreams. Listen at your own risk.

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I am metal. I am so metal I ejaculate mercury. OK, love puppies, pro football and my daughter, so how's that for balance? I own a little metal blog called teethofthedivine.com and used to write for Metal Maniacs, Unrestrained magazines and currently help out with Hails and Horns and New Noise magazines. Yeah- I guess I am metal.