10 Modern Rock Bands You Need To Listen To

5. Jetty Bones

One of the most impressive vocals to come out of the late pop punk scene has been Hayley Williams of Paramore. Despite her abilities to provide one showstopper after another though, fans of the bratty side of this band were a touch disheartened to see them go in a pop direction. To those of you looking for something more mellow though, allow your humble author to direct you to Ms. Jetty Bones.

Across her past handful of projects, Jetty has been putting together a sound that feels like what Williams would have probably done had she decided to go solo first. Though a lot of the songs are much more downtempo than what the rock scene probably expects, this is the kind of wacked out pop music that makes everything feel shimmery from the moment the songs hit your ears.

Full disclosure though, these tracks are not for the faint of heart, with most of them being bleak as hell from the beginning, whether it's the raw hurt of something like Better or even the somber dance jam that comes in the form of Nothing. In a world that's dominated by divas that are little too aesthetic than actual music, this is what happens when you take someone like Carly Rae Jepsen and have her make an alt rock album.

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