10 Modern Rock Music Artists With A Throwback Sound

6. The Struts

Struts lead singer Luke Spiller really looks like Freddie Mercury. Like, enough that he should probably take a DNA test just to make sure.

Spiller is definitely channelling his possible-father with his look and performances, prancing around the stage like Mercury in his prime.

They're called The Struts for a reason.

The comparisons to Queen don't stop there, as the band have also pumped out a fair few arena anthems in their time. Could Have Been Me is arguably their most famous; its high sing-a-long factor has propelled it to over 15 million views on YouTube.

There's also plenty of glam rock in The Struts, both in their body of work and in their actual bodies. Their act is drenched in the flamboyant playfulness of the early 70s, taking audiences back to a time where David Bowie and T. Rex ruled the airwaves.

Rock music has always had room for strong stage presences and Spiller might be up there with the best of the modern crop.

The great irony about that is all of his moves are straight out of some very old playbooks.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.