10 Modern Rock Music Artists With A Throwback Sound

5. Stonefield

Thank God that the Findlay family from Australia had the good grace to have four daughters so they could all grow up and form a band one day.

Amy, Hannah, Sarah, and Holly started playing music together in 2006, thus proving that they are the most cooperative siblings that have ever lived.

Through the help of radio station Triple J, the sisters launched their musical career as Stonefield, paying homage to the dingy, growly, lo-fi rock greats of the past.

With guitars so fuzzy they'd put a peach to shame, Stonefield's music conjures up images of Electric Wizard and early Queens of the Stone Age. At their best, they sound like what would have happened had Ozzy Osbourne been born female.

Stoner and doom metal has often been overlooked or dismissed by mainstream rock fans, so it's nice to see that this highly enjoyable genre still has a place in the modern world.

With Stonefield showing no signs of stopping any time soon, expect more of this goodness to come.

Unless they have a massive falling out, which is highly likely as they are all related.

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Rock Music
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.