10 Modern Rock Music Artists With A Throwback Sound

4. Larkin Poe

Good lord, more siblings getting along!

Something's gone wrong with the Matrix!

Sisters Rebecca, Megan, and Jessica Lovell used to perform as... The Lovell Sisters. What, you couldn't have thought of a more imaginative name?

No wonder you guys broke up.

After said breakup, two thirds of the Lovell Sisters (Rebecca and Megan) went out on their own and called themselves Larkin Poe. This is a nod to their ancestor of the same name, not two poets, as it turns out.

Coming under the category of roots rock, Larkin Poe mix traditional blues structures with big, loud modern production. With slide guitars and tight harmonies out the wazoo, it's no wonder these two have drawn favourable comparisons to The Allman Brothers.

Though they may be carrying a great musical heritage on their backs, the sisters have done an excellent job in bringing this very old style of music into the present day.

Their lyrics are often written through a feminine lens, a perspective that has been so-often overlooked in classic rock.

Instead of just sticking with what they knew, Larkin Poe took some risks and are now bathing in the glow of their rewards.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.