10 More Rock Music Songs That Have Been Played The Most Live

5. Roxanne - The Police/Sting (2,043 Times)

Going by the section of setlist.fm dedicated to just The Police, the song Roxanne has only been performed live 535 times.

But that's without taking into account one man - a man called Sting.

Gordon Sumner (his much less interesting real name) continued his momentum as a megastar even after his band split up in 1986, recording and releasing way more music than he ever did with the group. He's also continued to tour, and you best believe he's been playing those old Police songs.

Sting has played Every Breath You Take live 1,611 times and Roxanne 1,509 times. However, when you take into account how many times The Police played those tracks, the one about the lady of the night comes out on top.

In the three piece's original heyday and on their various reunion tours in the 2000s, combined with Sting's seemingly endless schedule, audiences have put on the red light 2,043 times in total.

The fact it's still more popular than anything Gordon ever did on his own is testament to how magical those first nine years of The Police were, and also that Sting should probably get better at writing original songs.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.