10 More Rock Music Songs That Have Been Played The Most Live

2. Caroline - Status Quo (2,731 Times)

Working out how many times different Status Quo songs have been played live is harder than you'd think, given that most of their tracks sound pretty much the same.

Sorry not sorry.

The Kings of Boogie Rock have been around since 1962. In those six decades, they have given fans Rockin' All Over the World, Down Down, Whatever You Want, and many other songs that prove that you don't need to learn more than three guitar chords to make a lot of money.

As they've been around for such a long time and have never really taken a sustained break from touring, The Quo have six different songs that have been played over 2,000 times live.

They are, in ascending order, Rain, Down Down, Whatever You Want, Rockin' All Over the World, Roll Over Lay Down, and the winner, Caroline.

Caroline usually serves as the opener to the band's concerts, giving the middle-aged folk in the audience a chance to warm up their hip replacements before the full show gets started. With 2,731 plays to date, expect the song to break the 3,000 mark before Quo hang up the denim for good.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.