10 Most Anticipated Albums Of 2016

2. Kanye West - SWISH

After a career made up almost entirely of superb music and pissing people off, Kanye West is the rare dichotomy that makes you hate him twice as much as he makes you bob your head. But that's only because he works so hard at being a douchebag that his ego somehow surpassed his enormous musical talent. Beginning his career as a slightly off-key rapper with pop appeal, Kanye has morphed right before our eyes into a piece of avant-garde performance art that also happens to rap. And he's one of the last remaining artists in the hip-hop world who values the concept of an album as a whole, rather than as an artificial set of boundaries to place your hit singles into. Although details of the upcoming album (originally titled So Help Me God) are scattered few and far between, the bits and pieces he's put out over the last year are intriguing as always. "Wolves," which West performed on the SNL 40th Anniversary Show with Sia, was supposed to be included on SWISH, but will likely be kept on the shelf since the album is taking longer than expected to be recorded. This being Kanye West, don't be surprised if he pulls a Beyonce and the album drops next week without any promotion whatsoever.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.