10 Most Hated Albums In Rock Music History

2. All the Right Reasons - Nickelback

As much as you might want to dunk on a band like Creed for making some of the most lackluster rock and roll ever made, they aren't really to blame for rock taking a nosedive. Just like every other hunger dunger dang rock band, you can't necessarily blame a band like Pearl Jam for people aping their style. In the world of yarly rock though, there are the kings from Canada, and they laid claim to the throne with All the Right Reasons.

It's almost inevitable that we bring up Nickelback sooner or later on here, with them becoming the laughing stock among many rock fans for the past few years now. Then again, it's not like they can't play either, with a lot of their songs actually having some flash behind the guitar playing. In terms of what they actually want to play though, All the Right Reasons marks the point of no return for the band.

After Silver Side Up sold like gangbusters, Chad Kroeger knew the formula for what would make him famous, and proceeded to copy his songs one after another and turn them into the most toothless sounding rock and roll ever created, which became the epitome of selling out for most fans. The rock scene knows that there's better rock out there than this, but why the hell did we let Chad rule the airwaves for making a song like Photograph?

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