10 Most Haunting Songs In Rock

2. Something In The Way - Nirvana (1991)

Something In The Way was the haunting culmination to Nirvana's otherwise, unapologetically, energetic grunge-rock classic Nevermind.

It's never been an easy song to get through, even for hardcore Nirvana fans, particularly within the context of how Kurt Cobain ultimately succumbed to his own depressive thoughts.

There was always something in the way of Cobain reaching his own nirvana and this track was his moment to express that haunting and vulnerable sentiment.

The lyrics conjured up images of wretched isolation as Cobain described a partially imagined, partially lived experience of being homeless. Real or not, the lyrics have gone on to serve as the perfect metaphor for Cobain' sense of not belonging anywhere, even after he became a rock icon...

The title was reference to his very real depression, having a constant barrier in between any real sense of security and happiness.

The dark lyrical content was enhanced by the mournful backing music. Cobain using a slightly out of tune guitar for the recordings, resulted in the bass and cello sections seeming slightly out of canter with the guitar melodies, but this only added to the eery ambiance of the song.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.