10 Most Paused Music Videos

2. Aphex Twin - Come To Daddy

Aphex Twin

There may well be no creepier music video in history than Aphex Twin's video for "Come to Daddy," which is so packed to the gills with WTF moments you may as well just scan through it frame by frame.

Shot on the same council estate where Stanley Kubrick filmed much of A Clockwork Orange, the video begins with a dog urinating on a television, which in turn "awakens" the deformed spirit of Aphex Twin himself on the TV.

A gang of children bearing Aphex Twin's face consequently show up to cause all manner of mayhem, before the video climaxes with a gaunt humanoid creature crawling out of the TV and screaming in an old lady's face.

It's absolutely haunting, and yet, a video that begs to be rewatched and analysed again and again.

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Aphex Twin
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.