10 Most Underrated Metallica Songs

7. Murder One - Hardwired...to Self Destruct

Throughout their 40 years together, Metallica have never forgotten where they came from. No matter how much money they make from their tours or the extravagant lifestyles they lead, the members at the heart of this band have always remained fans first and rock gods second. So when one of your musical heroes ends up departing from this Earth, it's only fitting to give him the best sendoff you know how.

After the passing of Motorhead bassist Lemmy Kilmister, the band set out to write a tribute song in the form of "Murder One." Falling towards the end of their album Hardwired...to Self Destruct, this song is a worthy tribute to the booze-swigging rock troubadour, as James Hetfield namechecks several Motorhead tracks like "Born to Lose" and "All the Aces."

While the song starts off slow like "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)," the tune switches to heavy groove immediately after, as if to say that Lemmy doesn't go for any sappy s**t.

Hardwired itself might be a bit of a long sit for even the diehard Metallica fans, but this song is still a fitting tribute to one of the progenitors of thrash metal. Whatever bar Lemmy finds himself in these days, let's hope he's raising his Jack and Coke to his metal offspring.

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