10 Most Underrated Rock Songs Of The 90s

8. Settle for Nothing - Rage Against the Machine

Rage Against the Machine is always a band that prides themselves with tearing the roof off the place whenever they perform. Being really on brand with their name, any one of Rage's songs is meant to distill the primal feeling of anger out in full force, from the spit of Killing in the Name to the uncomfortable hellscape of Testify. And if they were going to pull out a ballad...you'd better believe it would have some muscle behind it.

Though Rage was never a band that calmed things down all that often, Settle For Nothing is one of the more interesting detours we were given on their debut. Having the same kind of anger as the rest of their material, this song is a lot more quiet in its delivery, as Zack de la Rocha takes most of the regular screaming moments and brings things to a slow dialogue for the verses.

In fact, most of this song follows the typical '90s trope of soft verses and loud choruses, as you can practically hear Tom Morello turn his volume switch back on to build walls of power chords when the main hook lines come soaring in. As much as Rage could fly off the handle when they wanted to, this was the moment where you could see the raw pain that was underneath all of that screaming.

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