10 Music Reunions That Were Doomed From The Start

6. Velvet Underground

Creed Band

It was said that anyone who had listened to The Velvet Underground's debut album, The Velvet Underground & Nico, had gone on to form a band themselves. Despite the album's initial low selling figures it was considered such an influential release and the band's reputation grew as the years went by.

Like so many bands before and since it wasn't long before they split up. Lou Reed and John Cale went on to have distinguished music careers. Drummer Moe Tucker left to raise a family whilst guitarist Sterling Morrison found work as a deckhand on tugboats in Houston.

In 1990 Reed and Cale recorded Songs For Drella, an album about Andy Warhol, their mentor from The Velvet Underground days. Speculation about a reunion grew and in 1993 the original quartet got back together again.

There was a successful tour of Europe and a MTV Unplugged album was in the pipeline. Unfortunately Reed and Cale's old animosities would flare up again and the band split up soon after. Within two years Morrison would die of non-Hodgkin lymphoma stopping any chance of a future reunion.

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Part time artist, part time stone sawyer. Bass player and history lover. Was a cobbler in a past life.