10 Music Videos Scarier Than Horror Movies

8. Jamie T - Zombie

Charting for eleven weeks following its release in August 2014, Zombie is the second single from Jamie T's third studio album, Carry on the Grudge. Jamie T drew his influence for the song from being unproductive and growing tired of creating the same sort of things over and over again.

The video opens with Jamie and his band looking beleaguered in a depressingly empty bar. Once the chorus kicks in however, the creepy parts of the video really begin to show themselves. Jamie and his band slowly become more and more 'zombiefied' as the song progresses, with their skin beginning to change colour, their eyes becoming more dead-looking and generally just looking like they can't support their own weight.

It's the small details that really make this video stand out though, with the guitarists splattering blood across their instruments as they play and the drummer literally ripping off one of their arms and using it to hit the drums and keep the beat going.

The whole video doesn't exactly hold back with selling these horror features either, and Jamie and co.'s performances as the undead are certainly convincing enough to sell a terrifying video.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.