10 Musicians Who Hated Being Famous

6. George Harrison - The Beatles

The Beatles have become so omnipresent in rock culture that they almost seem to transcend being mere celebrities. Even if they set the world on fire in the 60's, the quality of the music hasn't dwindled with age, as each generation picks up guitars based on something that the band created. On the other hand, not all of the band members were necessarily comfortable with their rapid ascent.

Once Beatlemania got underway, the entire band felt a sea change with cameras and mobs of people chasing them around everywhere they went. Though anyone could get perturbed about this lifestyle, George Harrison was probably the most hostile towards his newfound celebrity. Always identified as the Quiet Beatle, Harrison was known to be the most brutally honest of the Fab Four, which caused tension when the band went out on tour. With the media on them at all times, Harrison had instances where he would throw water on cameramen and even once punched a cop who was assigned to protect him because of how aggressive he was.

On the other hand, Harrison was eventually able to work his celebrity to his advantage by helping raise money for the thousands of people traumatized in Bangladesh. He may not have been ready for the hot spotlight, but George Harrison found a way to redirect his star power towards something worthwhile.

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Pink Floyd
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