10 Musicians Who Hated Being Famous

3. Kurt Cobain - Nirvana

Kurt Cobain was never meant to have a major wave of attention come his way. When Nirvana started out, they were simply another decent upstart out of Seattle who would never see success thanks to the hair metal boom. Once "Smells Like Teen Spirit" sweeped the nation though, Cobain found himself being talked up as the next rock genius.

Cobain's automatic response to this kind of attention was to withdraw, with very few interviews and touring appearances. Whenever he did give a word to the press, most of his quotes involved him sticking up for the local scene in Seattle and downplaying the band's breakthrough release Nevermind as a piece of poppy trash. Though Cobain did have aspirations to be a rock star of sorts, he wasn't ready to be hit with every single aspect of it at once.

This got so bad that the band's landmark hard rock release Nevermind didn't have any kind of promotional tour, with the band taking time at home to gather themselves. Once Cobain finished the difficult followup In Utero, the touring life still proved to be too much for him to handle, leading him to eventually commit suicide in his home in 1994. It's a shame that for all the great things he brought to the rock world, Cobain had all the money he could want, yet internally realized he had nothing.

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Pink Floyd
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