10 Overrated Rock Music Acts Of The 2010s

4. Greta Van Fleet

Greta Van Fleet have all the ingredients required to make a killer rock band: bucket loads of talent, a charismatic look, and an ability to draw a crowd. But, you just cant get away from the Led Zeppelin thing...

If you're a Zeppelin fan you either love Van Fleet or you think they're the biggest charlatans in the game. And that seems to be the verdict across the board.

These guys are really fun: the guitarist can play some mean hooks, the bass and drums are about as tight as any other hard rock group, and the singer has a voice like... , well, Robert Pant. Their whole sound is just a little too on the nose to get excited about, though, it felt like a gimmick that didn't go away.

For the younger generations, coming across a band like Greta Van Fleet must be a damn refreshing change from the usual drivel littering the charts. And, if you've never really delved into Led Zeppelin, then perhaps the similarities don't seem so egregious.

It feels wrong to slate a group of very talented musicians for doing something that isn't prevalent in music at the moment, but you cant help but think, why am I listening to a fun but less brilliant version of Zeppelin?

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.