10 Perfect Glam Rock Albums With No Bad Songs

7. Transformer - Lou Reed

Most of the glam scene didn't need to concern itself with some of the more artsy bands at the time. This was music that was designed to make you feel good and party all night long, so you weren't expecting Bob Dylan levels of songwriting or anything like that. There's always that rare exception though, and Lou Reed practically reinvented himself from the ground up on Transformer.

Though you can clearly tell that Lou was going for a different feel based on the cover alone, most of his lyrical style hasn't really changed. Along with some amazing production by David Bowie, most of Transformer is Lou making his traditional songs with a much greater emphasis on melody, like the subtle groove on Walk on the Wild Side putting you right in the middle of New York City from the minute that you hear it.

While some might argue that his best work had already come and gone with The Velvet Underground, Lou has never sounded this catchy on record, like the song Satellite of Love taking his vocals into the stratosphere. If there's any song that really says it all for the record though, it would have to be Perfect Day. All of the elements have the bombast you might find in glam, but you might want to have the tissues handy when you decide to look over the lyrics.

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