10 Perfect Rock Albums For Pop Music Fans

7. Hybrid Theory - Linkin Park

For almost all of the pop stripe of music fans, the idea of metal in their playlist is a big no no. You can have a little bit of punk, you can flirt with alternative here and there, but the crunchy sounds of distorted guitars and screaming vocals are enough to tune most people out every time. If you wrap it up in the right package though, some of the best metal music can find a way into your heart.

Which is funny when you think that Linkin Park weren't even expected to set the world on fire when they came out. As soon as most of the nu metal scene was on its way out, Hybrid Theory gave us the perfect amalgamation of everything that the genre had to offer, from the turntable scratches from Joe Hahn to the tradeoff between rapping and singing from Mike Shinoda and Chester Bennington.

These weren't your typical 'I'm hurt' songs either. Whereas most nu metal bands just loved to show us their scar collection, there was a certain optimism that came with hearing some of these songs. As much as something like In the End sounds bleak and hopeless, the poppiness of it made the darkest subjects go over smoother. Everyone's been through their fair share of suffering, and an album like this is the friend that can empathize with you.

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