10 Perfect Rock Singles Of The 2000s

7. Green Day: Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (2004)

As 1999 turned to 2000 Green Day found themselves in a difficult position. Their major label debut, Dookie (1994), had made them one of the biggest alternative rock groups in the country, but a string of inconsistent albums left their future in the balance. Nimrod (1997) contained some strong numbers, and looked like a return to form; but with Warning (2000) polarising fans and critics alike, the group found themselves at a crossroads.

It took them four more years to pull off their comeback. In that time, a whole albums worth of material was mysteriously stolen from the group's studio, forcing them to start from scratch. When they finally remerged on the scene, they had a new look and a new sound. American Idiot transformed Green Day from the darlings of pop punk to all out arena rock stars.

Sure, you could argue all the guy liner, dye jobs and coordinated outfits felts a little contrived, but the music they delivered was some of their greatest ever. Jesus of Suburbia was the anthem of the disenfranchised youth. American Idiot was a commentary on the countries obsession with war and violence. Holiday was a f**k you to US foreign policy. But the cream of the crop was Boulevard Of Broken Dreams. It became the bedroom-ballad for every angsty teen convinced the world was out to get them.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.