10 Perfect Rock Singles Of The 2000s

6. The Libertines: Don't Look Back Into The Sun (2003)

This was the epitome of British indie rock in the 2000s. No one quite came close to capturing the excited, dangerous and frantic buzz of the Libertines. Everything felt like it might come to a crashing end at any moment; it was all about having as much fun while the getting was good.

The love hate relationship between the two frontmen, Pete Doherty and Carl BarĂ¢t, fed the raucous excitement. The boisterous, cheeky and carefree energy was always tinged with the possibility that something much darker was just beneath the surface - but it all fed into the image.

The Libertines were responsible for making you wear your jeans tight, and your inhibitions loose. They peddled a romanticised version of English bohemianism; even as the country watched Doherty descend further into drug addled madness, he was idolised as a warrior poet.

Although, Don't Look Back Into The Sun never appeared on an album, it became the group's defining number. It was sloppy garage rock, played on barely in-tune guitars and sung as though the group were playing in a crowded pub. And, it was great.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.