10 Perfect Songs From Terrible Bands

8. Bat Country - Avenged Sevenfold

There is such a thing as too much exposure when it comes to metal music, and Avenged Sevenfold has never heard the end of it. For all of the amazing players that they have in their band, fans have been dogging on them ever since they hit it big on Waking the Fallen, calling them the more watered down version of what metal is supposed to be. You can try to tear them down all you want, but there's some genuine talent behind every one of these records, and Bat Country is a modern metal masterpiece.

Taking inspiration from the work of Hunter S Thompson, half of this song is an ode to the most sleazy sides of West Hollywood, talking about how the life of sex, drugs, and rock and roll actually seems pretty fun when you read into it. Although there are a few moments where M Shadows talks about how much self destruction you can get into, those roaring guitars almost seem like the devil luring you back in for more, giving you that adrenaline rush that most people hadn't heard since the days of Metallica and Guns N Roses.

The performances are also fantastic, being at the peak of the Rev era and him absolutely demolishing the kit, all while Zacky and Synyster trade different guitar licks and pepper in some incredibly tasty harmonies towards the end of the song. The world of this song isn't really for the faint of heart, but it only takes one hit of something like this to get you addicted for the rest of your life.

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