10 Pop Albums That Are Perfect From Front To Back

8. 1999 - Prince

When talking about the all time geniuses of the pop sphere, Prince deserves to live in a world of his own. The unique way he would approach everything from rock to R&B to funk felt so self-contained that it felt like it existed since the beginning of time. Though many '80s listeners would single out Purple Rain as his all-time masterpiece, 1999 was where we first started to see the absolute madman we were dealing with.

After Prince had established his trademark sound with his band The Revolution on albums like Dirty and Controversy, 1999 was when he took everything he had built to create little bits of pop perfection. For every synth-funk cut like the title track, there are semi-ballads on tracks like "Little Red Corvette," which still stands as one of the greatest car songs ever written.

Even when elongating the runtime of songs to up to 9 minutes, not a second of your time is wasted as Prince captures you in some of the deepest grooves that had been seen that decade. Though the closer "International Lover" is filled with filthy sexual innuendos, only Prince can get away with making it sound like the most enthralling experience of your life. Bigger things were around the corner for Prince, but 1999 was just the beginning of one of the decade's greatest performers.


I'm just a junkie for all things media. Whether it's music, movies, TV, or just other reviews, I absolutely adore this stuff. But music was my first love, and I love having the opportunity to share it with you good people. Follow Me On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/timcoffman97