10 Pop-Princesses Who Actually Had Something Worthwhile To Say

4. Rihanna

Superstar Rihanna has an apparent net worth of 90 million dollars, thirteen number one singles, seven hit albums and five super successful tours behind her, so the world was shocked when accusations began to fly over Chris Brown's assault on her. When Rihanna failed to turn up at the 2009 Grammy awards, reports began to surface which claimed that the singer had been beaten up by Brown (her boyfriend at the time) and that this was the reason for her cancellation. Over the next month, Brown was arrested and subsequently charged with assault and it came to light that this was not the only time that he had attacked Rihanna. Instead of retreating from the public, Rihanna addressed the situation with courage and clarity in an interview with Oprah. Speaking to the talk show host, Rihanna spoke about how she didn't want people to see Brown as a monster, and was adamant the public need to understand that he needs help. Although many of Rihanna's close friends shunned the star after her reunion with Brown, the star remained insistent that in spite of the attacks, she believes that the Beautiful People singer is her true love and that he has since received help for his behaviour. Rihanna's surprising positivity over the situation has since made many people reconsider their opinions of the star after seeing the huge amount of strength that she has portrayed.

Currently studying German with Dutch, big passion for music, movies and coffee.